
Maintenance and Inspection Tips to Prevent Roof Leaks

Roofing leaks happen at the most inconvenient times, and often when help isn’t readily available. Fortunately, leaks can be prevented with regular inspection and calling a residential roofing contractor.

Maintenance and Inspection Tips to Prevent Roof Leaks

TIP: Inspect Your Roof Regularly

You might be wondering why you should perform roofing inspections when you already have your roofing contractor doing scheduled maintenance. Think of the scheduled maintenance as your annual physical; you have to keep an eye on your roof’s condition between maintenance appointments. This is where inspections come in.

To inspect your roof, all you need is a good pair of binoculars. On a clear day, inspect every inch of your roof and keep an eye on areas where roof damage typically occurs. Start with the roof’s edge; the first row of shingles should be perfectly flat against the edge. Gaps, cracks, or other signs of wind damage should be raised with your trusted residential roofing company for repairs. The same goes for critical areas that require flashing, like protrusions, dormers and skylights.

TIP: Climb Into the Attic

Part of your maintenance inspection involves checking the attic for signs of leaks. We recommend doing this on a bright, sunny day. Simply walk around the attic and check for pinpoints of light that may be coming through the roof. This is a clear indicator that your roof has holes that need to be fixed. Check the rafters, trusses, and roof deck for water stains. Attic insulation tends to form clumps when it absorbs moisture, which is yet another sign of moisture intrusion. Additionally, the attic temperature should be more or less the same as the outside. If it feels too hot and humid in the attic, it may also have ventilation issues.

TIP: Don’t Forget the Gutters

Gutters are often considered a separate system. But it works in conjunction with your roof in keeping your home safe from unwanted rainwater. Inspect your gutters visually for seams that require sealants, or for signs of rust and for blistered or peeling paint. If you haven’t had your gutters inspected in at least a year, have them professionally cleaned.

To learn more about our roofing services, including roof replacement, call Fortenberry Roofing Co. today at 1-806-414-4293. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule a free no-obligation quote. We are located in Littlefield, TX, and serve nearby areas including Dimmitt.

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Fortenberry Roofing Co.
801 Hall Ave
Littlefield, TX 79339
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