
The Benefits of Roof Coatings for Your Commercial Roof

Today’s modern technology has created some of the best solutions to commercial roofing. You don’t have to replace a commercial roof if there is an issue automatically. Roof coatings can save you a lot of money and extend the life span of your roof by 10 years or more. In this post, Fortenberry Roofing, one of the top roof and siding companies in our area, discusses what you need to know about roof coatings.

The Benefits of Roof Coatings for Your Commercial Roof

Roof Coating Benefits

Roof coatings are an economical way to maintain and restore an aging commercial roof. In addition to protecting the roof, roof coatings can also make it more energy-efficient. Many manufacturers offer reflective roof coatings. These coatings can reflect heat away from the roof. This can help keep the building interior cool and help reduce the building’s energy requirements. Roof coatings also make old commercial roofs look better, prevent water ponding, and extend the roof’s life span.

When Not to Use Roof Coatings

As a roof replacement and roof maintenance expert, we make sure to recommend roof coatings for building owners if their commercial roof will benefit from it. However, some roofs are not suitable for roof coatings. For example, the roof has surface preparation problems. It is also better to get a roof replacement if there is a loss of roof-system adhesion and widespread wet insulation in the commercial roof system.

Our Roof Coating Process

Our roof coating process starts by removing all of the grime and rust from your roof. We use a pressure washer together with a heavy-duty cleaner or rust remover. We then treat the metal parts of your roof to prevent rust from coming back. Then we thoroughly inspect your roof and perform a tune-up. Once this is done, we spray a top coat over your roof. The result is a seamless and great looking membrane that can extend the life span of your roof.

At Fortenberry Roofing, we are your number one provider of residential and commercial roofing services. We are also one of the top insulation companies in our local area. Our services can greatly improve a home or commercial property. Give us a call at 1-806-385-6761] or fill out our contact form to learn more about our services and products. We serve clients in Levelland and Herford, TX.


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TexasNew Mexico Our Locations:

Fortenberry Roofing Co.
801 Hall Ave
Littlefield, TX 79339
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