
Attic Insulation Myths Debunked

Despite the attic’s integral role in keeping your home cool, there are many misconceptions about this often neglected part of the house. In particular, there’s a lot of confusion about the risks and benefits of attic insulation.

Attic Insulation Myths Debunked

Fortenberry Roofing, one of the top roof replacement companies in the state, debunks some of these myths.

Insulation Can Cause Fires and Damage Your Home

A lot of the misconceptions about attic insulation come from the overgeneralization of the different types. Depending on your home's structure and location, certain types of insulation would be better suited than others.

Insulation companies would usually conduct house inspections to determine the most optimal kind. The important thing to remember is that regardless of its type, insulation can cause damage if it isn’t installed properly. However, it would help if you were careful with spray foam insulation, as it has damaged roofs and spontaneously combusted in several documented instances.

Insulation Is Only for Winter and the Colder Months

Many homeowners think insulation is only used for keeping homes warm during winter, but this isn’t the case. Insulation slows down the heat moves from one area to another, meaning it’ll prevent the heat inside your home from leaking outside during winter and the heat outside from entering your home during summer. Either way, your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system will consume less energy, cutting your power bills by a significant amount.

The More Insulation, The Better

Considering insulation’s role in increasing your home’s energy efficiency, some think they’ll get more benefits with more insulation. This isn’t the case, however. When installing insulation, you also need to think about ventilation, as these two work hand in hand in regulating the heat and moisture in your home. Too much insulation can interfere with the airflow in your house, potentially creating a humid environment inside that’s conducive to mold growth. If left untreated, the mold can eat away your wooden walls and, potentially, your siding as well.

It’s better to hire qualified insulation or siding companies to determine and install the right kind of insulation. Fortenberry Roofing offers attic insulation services. To request a quote, call 1-806-385-6761 or fill out this form. We serve homeowners in Levelland and Hereford, TX.

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801 Hall Ave
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