5 Common Misconceptions About Metal Roofing
For years, metal roofing has been associated with industrial buildings making it a less popular choice for homeowners. These days, metal roofing has gained popularity and is now, in fact, the second most preferred option when it comes to residential buildings, and for good reason, too. They are inexpensive, energy-efficient, and durable.

However, despite the recent gain in popularity, there are still many myths surrounding this material. In this post, roof replacement experts Fortenberry Roofing Co. debunks the most common misconceptions surrounding metal roofing.
1. There are limited style options. There are a multitude of options available when it comes to metal roofing. In fact, metal roofing comes in more colors than any other roofing material out there. Metal roofing also comes in many different styles and can match the architecture of any residential building.
2. Metal roofs are noisy. This is probably the most common misconception surrounding metal roofs. The truth is, metal roofs can actually be quieter than asphalt roofing. Sheathing, attic insulation, and proper installation techniques all contribute to a quiet roofing system.
3. Metal roofs attract lightning. Lightning finds the tallest object to strike such as trees and power poles. Having a metal roof does not increase the likelihood of a strike. Metal roofing is actually safer since it is non-combustible and will not burn should a bolt of lightning strike.
4. Metal roofs get too hot in the summer. Insulation companies will disagree. Metal roofs are very energy-efficient and even the most basic, uncoated metal roofs reflect more solar radiation than asphalt roofing.
5. Metal roofs rust. Roofing technology has come a long way and nowadays most metal roofing materials are factory coated with an aluminum or zinc sealant making them resistant to rust. A properly treated metal roof can remain rust-free for decades.
Fortenberry Roofing Co. is a leading installer of metal roofing expertly servicing homeowners in the areas in and around Littlefield and Morton, TX. Looking to get a metal roof installed? Give us a call at 1-806-385-6761 or fill out our contact form to start a conversation today.