The Parapet Wall to be Repaired
This is what the parapet looked like before Fortenberry Roofing made the desired repairs. Most of the work will happen behind the wall, but that work will add to the lifespan of the wall.

Before Parapet Flashing Repair
The flashing was installed on the parapet before repairs were made. It definitely needed an update!

Tear off of Old Wall Flashing
The existing flashing of the wall was ripped off and would be replaced with multiple layers of protective membranes for the new flashing.

Near Completion of Parapet Improvements
Here, the parapet improvements are almost complete. The repair team has completed the reinforced flashing and added the metal coping to the top (edges) of the wall.

Completion of Parapet Wall Improvements
After! The new and improved flashing cannot be seen from this view, but the overall look of this parapet wall has improved, along with the support and protection being given by the new flashing behind it.

Installing New Roofing Memberane
A roofing membrane is used to keep water out. For this repair, the team pulled out the old and installed a new membrane.

Adding Step Flashing
Along with the new roofing membrane, Fortenberry Roofing added step flashing to reinforce the prevention of water seeping under the roof. Shingles will once again be installed to the edge of the roof/parapet, aiding in protecting the roof underneath.

Ice and Water Shield
Ice and water shield is another membrane that was added to the parapet. Ice and water shield protects what is installed from ice and water damage. You can also see the metal coping that will be installed on the top (edges) of the parapet.

Metal Coping
The metal coping was then painted a complementary color to match the rest of the property.