Home in Lubbock hail damage
Home in Lubbock, Tx in need of a new roof.

Area's of the roof with plastic Cement
Roof top with Plastic Cement (Black Tar) to seal any leaking. Temporary fix

3 in 1 auto caulk pipe flashing
3 in 1 auto caulk pipe flashing not properly installed

Fortenberry Roofing Sales man Hail Marking
Marking the roof with the sales man. Each hail hit he sees he marks.

Finishing of an addition for the homeowner.
The homeowner added a addition and ask Fortenberry to help finish it off.

Finishing the addition.
The crew members added the plywood to close off the roof on the addition.

Fortenberry Roof Crews starting the take down of the roof.
Fortenberry Roofing crews removing the shingles from the roof.

Removal of all the nails on the roof.
Fortenberry Roofing removing all the left over nails to have a clean slat to start the process of adding the shingles.

Delivery of IKO Dynasty Granite Black Shingles.
IKO Dynasty Granite Black Shingles being delivered to the home.

Catch-All- System in place to protect all flowers
The Catch -All- System to protect all the customers beautiful flowers.

Klaus Roofing systems- Velora One and Sealoron XT Ice and Water
Adding the Velora One synthetic Underlayment and Sealoron Ice and Water.

The starting process of adding one side of shingles.
Shingles being added to the roof.

Fortenberry Roofing's Finished product.
Finishing the roof off with IKO Dynasty Shingles in the color Granit Black