Upon First Inspection for Full Roof Replacement
As you can see here there is a good amount of damage to this roof due to wear and tear from the elements over the years.

Damaged Shingles Before Replacement
This is what the property looked like before any work was started.

Damaged Shingles Before Replacement
This is a view of the roof upon inspection.

During Tear-Down Process
Decking Gone Wrong! This is what was under the shingles of this property. Decking will have to be replaced and installed for the first time in some areas.

Decking Installment
Having proper decking is vital to the lifespan and endurance of a roof.

IKO Shingles For Replacement
For this property Fortenberry roofing used IKO Marathon 3 Tab Shingles in the color Driftwood.

Shingle Installation
A team member strategically installing shingles so that the finished product will looks seamless and clean.

Before and After Panel Wall Cladding Added
This looks like a totally different house once panel wall cladding was installed on the gable of the house.

After Completion of Roof Replacement
A view of the roof after completion of roof replacement.

Before and After Shingle Replacement
The IKO Marathon 3 Tab shingles that were used for this roof replacement really brings life to the entire property. Good Job Fortenberry Roofing team!